The Gardens Townhomes would like to give a special thanks and honor to Beverly Siegel for all the years of tending multiple garden beds around the Townhome Gardens. Ms. Beverly was presented with a special plaque and a beautiful poem written by another Gardens Townhome resident, Ouisha McKinney.
Beverly’s Garden
We have a lovely garden to brighten up our world.
Each month brings different colors as the flowers are unfurled.
Palomar loves its garden, Bev’s created with such care.
You will not find a dying leaf or wilted blossom there.
We appreciate dear Beverly who’s used her funds and hours,
and lessons from her mother to arrange these lovely flowers.
She’d not do it without Charlie and his Basset Hound Advice.
His companionship and helpfulness are beyond any price.
If you’re driving by on Rock Ledge Ln or passing through on Terrace Woods.
Depending on which month it is, you’ll see a spectacle of blooms:
In April we see Irises, in all their purple glory.
Then May explodes with Peonies to tell a pinker story.
Next, Gladiolas step, with each bloom, up toward the sky.
Before they bend back to the ground – with a graceful sigh.
When perennials end their color show and Beverly tidies up the green,
She, then invests in annuals, to brighten up the scene.
Little button, white petunias and rosy periwinkle
Cover the ground and spread their blooms with a happy twinkle.
So we all thank you, Beverly. We thank you with great relish.
For the flowers in the garden, you proffered to embellish.